AnyDate Gifts - The Blog

Newspaper Carrier Day

National Newspaper Week starts on October 7th, followed by Newspaper Carrier Day which is celebrated on Saturday the 13th. This week honors newspapers, their staff and carriers of the past and present who are owed our thanks for gathering and delivering our news, no matter the weather.At just 10 years old in 1833, Barney Flaherty became the first newsboy, [...]

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I spend the majority of the year waiting for summer, so it's hard to believe that Labor Day is upon us already (which means that I'll need to start waiting again).Labor Day -- summer's traditional last "hoorah" -- is celebrated on the first Monday in September, and it honors the contributions and achievements of American [...]

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In a world where social media takes center stage, we know too well that Likes and Shares get the word out like nothing else.We love our customers- and we are ever so grateful when they let others know about their experience with our company- whether it’s the experience shopping with us, or the delight of giving or receiving a unique [...]

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We are lucky to live in a beautiful world, and yet, many of us have never seen much of it. With technology today, we imagine that we are ‘getting around’ because we have so much digital access; when in reality, we hardly move. Most of us are spending too much time behind a desk for many hours a day, [...]

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Summer has arrived and we all know what that means! It means get outside. It means ice cream. It means long days at the beach. It means holiday. It means no school. It means barbecues!On that note, I don’t think we take enough advantage of the possibilities of summer grilling. Dinners year round can get very monotonous. How often can [...]

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On Memorial Day we honor and remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving the country. This day originated as ‘Decoration Day’ to honor those lost while fighting in the Civil War- but after World War I, it became a day to commemorate American military personnel who died in all wars. Memorial Day became a federal holiday in [...]

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On May 5th we commemorate the Battle of Puebla in 1862, in which the Mexican Army successfully defended itself against the French. In the 1950s, this day became a holiday used to educate Mexican Americans about their cultural heritage, and before long, it became an excuse for everyone to party! Today this day is known as Cinco de Mayo [...]

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​What is a mother?

A mother is selfless and loves unconditionally. She is strength and emotion, bravery and kindness. She is available at all hours of the day, her job never ends. She worries and cares from the very first moment, through her child’s infancy, childhood, teenage years, adult years and beyond. She wants to protect but must know when to let go. She [...]

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What is it about a President that captures the hearts and minds of the people?If I had to guess, I would say it’s their power. There is something about power that creates an elusive energy around a person, no matter who they truly are, their character, values, or even what they represent. Because in our world today, power is [...]

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No matter what stage of life you’re up to, chances are you have more than enough things to stress about. So, when April Fool’s Day rolls around, I say go for it full throttle! Don’t misunderstand me- I don’t want anyone fooling me. But I will take full advantage of my right to prank anyone else!Speaking of pranks, almost every [...]

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