AnyDate Gifts - The Blog

Here's How Humanity Hangs On

Puzzles are keeping millions of people busy these days, and helping them hang on and even have some fun too!And you? Are you up for a 1000-piece puzzle from National Geographic's legendary "Photo Ark" collection? The Photo Ark collection of photos by Joel Sartore documents animals before they become extinct. Now you can gaze in [...]

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Just Keep Swimming!

Finding Nemo featured Dory the Fish. Dory's "cluelessness" is her strength. She simply ignored the externalities and taught Nemo, and the world, a great lesson:Just Keep Swimming!That appears to be our collective job in this new normal. Keep going, keep positive, keep an active body, and mind! Here's a couple of ideas that can help...Activity [...]

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Watching Midway (the Movie) During the Corona Era

These are not easy times. Very few of us (if any) have been through anything like this before. The news is frightening, and rarely uplifting. If you allow your mind to wander, the "what if scenarios" can take over and put you on edge. What's the solution?  There are many. Here are a few that [...]

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1917 - A Much See Film

The film 1917, tells the story of two British soldiers (Lance Corporals William Schofield and Tom Blake) who are called up for the task of delivering a message about an attack during World War I that was doomed to fail, potentially jeopardizing the lives of 1,600 men. Adding gravity to the impending danger, Tom Blake’s brother, Lieutenant Joseph Blake [...]

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Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day is a good reminder that love is a vital and life-affirming part of our existence. When we acknowledge this, we inevitably realize that one day a year of celebrating love is certainly not enough. if every day is Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day deserves that same sentiment.How can we infuse our relationships, our homes and our lives with [...]

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Make 2020 All About You!

It’s a new decade! With the arrival of 2020, there’s no better time to take stock of the last 10 years and make plans for the upcoming year (or years!) ahead. Easier said than done!In today’s world, there are so many distractions which interfere with our ability to experience each moment fully. Truth be told, until we make [...]

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A Week of Holidays

It doesn't always happen, but this year it does: Christmas and Hanukkah, the Festival of Light celebrated by the Jewish community, falls on the very same week. This makes for a great deal to celebrate and for which to be thankful.An interesting fact about these two holidays is not just that they are both celebrated [...]

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Back to School

When September rolls around and the nights get cooler, it's hard not to notice that summer is on its way out. While it's tempting to commiserate over the injustice of this reality, back to school season forces us to dealing with the here and now.After a hopefully relaxing and recharging summer, the new academic year [...]

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Ground Zero, Hiroshima

Seventy-four years ago this month, the city of Nagasaki, Japan was bombed with an atomic weapon. Three days earlier, Hiroshima had suffered the same fate. Within a week of the bombings, the Japanese agreed to stop fighting, thus ending WW2.A number of years ago, I had the opportunity to travel to Japan. It is a [...]

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It's the end of an era for MAD Magazine!

It's a sad reality for loyal subscribers: MAD Magazine will disappear from newsstands with the release of the August issue. After that, the magazine will reprint old material with new covers, but they will no longer be creating new content.MAD Magazine had a great time in the spotlight for almost 70 years, and was a [...]

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