AnyDate Gifts - The Blog

When in Doubt, Duolingo

During the many, many days of the pandemic, one learns how to keep busy. This can be through work, time spent with family (at least the family members available to spend time with), games, television, and sport--to name but a few activities. It can also mean learning something new. In an effort to get through this prolonged [...]

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Digital Deliverance for Professed Procrastinators

I'll admit it - I'm a procrastinator. If you are as well, then take heed. We're here to provide some digital deliverance, but don't put this off! Grab a Mock Front Page or Birthday Report today!Wanna Know What Happened on Your Birthday? Grab Your Report!The CIA couldn't prepare a more in-depth report for what happened [...]

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​Personal Reminiscences of World War II Era

My first recollection, as a 7-year old Milwaukeean, with imminent world war, was listening to WGN radio broadcasts by commentators H.V. Kaltenborn and Gabriel Heater on Sunday afternoons with my parents, sister, aunt, uncle and cousin. These late spring and summer 1939 broadcasts included partial speeches at Berlin rallies by Adolph Hitler. Vivid in my [...]

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From a Distance, There is IRONY!

Remember the beautiful Bette Midler song, "From A Distance?" If not, listen to it here!The lyrics proclaim that the world, and we who inhabit the earth, are actually one. And that despite any differences among us, from a distance, there is harmony. Beautiful.But from a distance, there's also IRONY! Outsiders can sometimes point out our [...]

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How to Have a Happy History Buff

Do you know a history buff?If you do, why not treat him or her to a fascinating walk through the major events of last century? We'll provide the discount if you provide the buff!American War HistoryChoose any one of our beautifully bound newspaper books and add your history buff's name gold-embossed on the cover!Each book contains [...]

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Order Early, Order Often

It is not just election season, its shopping season too. Given the state of the world, we'd do well to adapt the tongue-in-cheek advice first offered in 1858, "Vote Early, Vote Often" to a new purpose: online gift ordering. So we'd like to encourage you to Order Early and Order as Often as you'd like by offering some insight and [...]

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October is Frightful, but September is to Blame

In the Fall, my father always warns me to prepare myself for the frightful times ahead. He's not referring to Halloween, however. As a long time amatuer investor, he has learned first hand of the gut-wrenching, rollercoaster volatility that October brings to the stock market. He reminds me not to panic -- or sell -- [...]

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National What Week?!

You may not have noticed, but it has already arrived! The 80th annual National Newspaper Week started Sunday and continues until Saturday October 10th -- a date that will be celebrated as "Newspaper Carrier Day!" What a week!Each year National Newspaper Week has a theme. This year its "America Needs Journalists" with an emphasis on [...]

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An Annoying Anniversary

Computer bugs are really annoying!When one of my devices experiences a glitch, I can quickly become agitated. Forgetting about the innumerable ways that computers and phones have eased our lives, I start reminiscing about "the good old days" when no bugs existed.I have just learned, however, that even in the low tech world of yesteryear [...]

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What's the Most Popular Date for Birthdays?

Over the past six months we've heard a LOT about the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC for short.It turns out that -- aside from tracking instances of COVID-19 -- the CDC also tracks birth rates by month. And, according to the CDC August is the most popular month for birthdays! How hot [...]

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