AnyDate Gifts - The Blog

National What Week??

Just like clockwork - it has arrived once again! National Newspaper Week started Sunday and continues until Saturday October 9th -- a date that will be celebrated as "Newspaper Carrier Day!" As always, we want to take a moment to salute all the hard working people -- from the business owners, administrators, journalists and paper carriers -- [...]

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History in an Ahistorical Era

We might be living in the most "ahistorical" era ever. Social media has exacerbated what was already a tenuous situation such that nowadays "history" means at best last week and all too often, yesterday.The lack of historical perspective not only impoverishes our minds, it is also endangers our bodies. Why? First, because history is interesting [...]

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Need Inspiration? Head to the Zoo!

Last week, my wife and I went to the zoo. We brought no kids, and there was no special exhibit that drew us in.We just went. And you should too!In day to day life, the most exotic non-human creature I encounter regularly is my too-furry cat.While she can be quite entertaining to observe, at the [...]

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August is for Birthdays What December is to Holidays

Did you know:  August is the month of the most births! As such, many special birthday gifts are being ordered and given during this long, hot month.One of the unsung heroes of our site is The Book About You. This beautifully bound and embossed customized book has all sorts of information about your special person's special day. And, [...]

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This is The End. (Of Space Exploration Month)

As you may recall, a month ago we (invented and) proclaimed the first ever Space Exploration Month!Space Exploration Month started on June 20 (the summer solstice) and ends this week which includes the July 20th anniversary of the first lunar landing.And what a month it was for space exploration! Unless you are living on Mars, [...]

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Start Spreading the News

Bound Big Apple Birthday BooksGet $10 off our brand new NY Daily News Bound Birthday Books. Anyone 100 years old or less can enjoy an amazing collection of Daily News front pages in a handsomely bound book! Use coupon code: DailyNewsSport Books with Yankees, Mets, Giants, Jets coverage are also available.The Daily News books join [...]

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D-Day: A Day That Changed the Course of History

D-Day, also known as the Normandy Landings, was the largest seaborne invasion in history. This pivotal day which took place on June 6, 1944 is recognized as the beginning of the end of World War II in Europe as brave young men risked their lives to ensure an Allied victory over Nazi Germany and restore [...]

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Taking it For Granted

Nowadays, there is so much we take for granted. Things once recently considered fantastically futuristic -- video calls come to mind -- are so commonplace we can already suffer from "Zoom fatigue."The past year-and-a-half have also reminded us that we should NOT take things for granted. Things can change, even drastically, and disrupt our lives. It is interesting that just [...]

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Dad's Are Known to Say This

Fathers are known for giving great advice. With Father's Day just around the corner (June 20th), the fatherly advice that comes to mind is the one that my dad still tells today, "Think ahead!" which is usually followed by the negative formation for addition emphasis: "Don't wait until the last minute!"Taking that advice to heart, we [...]

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A Unique Graduation Season

It is graduation season, and this year’s graduates deserve more credit than ever.This was a bummer of a school year for nearly all students, but especially so for seniors as this should have been one of the greatest years of their young lives.Instead of basking in “Graduating Glory” all year long, seniors got social distancing, [...]

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