Posted by Eric on Aug 23rd 2021
Last week, my wife and I went to the zoo. We brought no kids, and there was no special exhibit that drew us in.
We just went. And you should too!
In day to day life, the most exotic non-human creature I encounter regularly is my too-furry cat.
While she can be quite entertaining to observe, at the zoo you have a LOT more choice. For example, we saw a HUGE tortoise that can live for well over 150 years! We encountered a beautiful "Red Panda" although it turns out that its not technically a panda. And there were the zebras, bears, elephants, tigers, leopards and more. When you see these animals up close, you gain a sense of wonder and excitement.
While we can't buy you ticket to your local zoo, we can help you celebrate the incredible bio-diversity of our planet by offering a discount on all of our 1000-piece National Geographic Photo Ark Jigsaw puzzles. Check them out here, and get 15% off with coupon code: Zoo21 through Sept 1, 2021.