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No matter what stage of life you’re up to, chances are you have more than enough things to stress about. So, when April Fool’s Day rolls around, I say go for it full throttle! Don’t misunderstand me- I don’t want anyone fooling me. But I will take full advantage of my right to prank anyone else!

Speaking of pranks, almost every day was April Fool’s back in 7th grade. Either our teacher found chewing gum on her chair, someone stuck chalk inside the blackboard eraser, or there was a dramatic plan that got us an early recess. I don’t have a great memory, but I do remember that.

Did you know that different countries have their own unique ways of celebrating this day? In Scotland they celebrate the first two days of April. Those Scots certainly know how to have a good time! (I wonder if flights to Scotland are fully booked this time of year…?)

What’s great about April Fool’s is that we can finally assume that some of the headlines making news are actually fake- which these days can bring great relief. So for at least one day each year, we can dismiss all the craziness in the world with a shrug and a laugh. Oh, what a feeling!

So, whether you’ll be in Scotland or France when April 1st arrives, allow yourself to let go and laugh a little. Because no matter where you live or what you do, everyone deserves a break! (That is no April Fool’s joke.)
