World War One Newspapers

The World War I Collection of The Washington Post

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  • Product Description

    The World War I Collection of The Washington Post includes comprehensive historic coverage of all the major battles of "The Great War" straight from the pages of The Washington Post.  This commemorative edition starts with the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife in Sarajevo, 6th June 1914, closely followed by Austria's declaration of war against Servia. The World War I Collection of The Washington Post includes coverage of battles between the Triple Entente and the Central Powers, making it riveting reading even as it is horrifying. It also provides numerous articles about how the conflict between England and Germany was carried out, including the sinking of the Lusitania off the Irish coast. officialproduct.png

    From May 1915 and onward, The World War I Collection of The Washington Post begins to focus on the United States' involvement in the war. In March 1917, three American ships are sunk by German U-boats and the United States declares war on Germany weeks later. The coverage then focuses on American successes on the battlefields, as the Allies grow ever stronger and begin to beat back the enemy. The collection closes with the Kaiser's abdication and the Russians seizing German government in Berlin. The last article is from 11-12-1918 and contains the terms of the armistice in full.

    The World War I Collection of The Washington Post is bound in an attractive emerald green leatherette hardcover binding and is gold-embossed with The Washington Post masthead. Customers can personalize this unique gift by embossing the recipient's name in gold on the cover.

    The Collection is sized to a convenient 12.5" x 15" size, so it is perfect for browsing. This is a unique gift and keepsake for anyone with a special interest World War I.

    Please allow 5-7 working days for individual print production and personalization of your gift in addition to shipping time.
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