Posted by Eric on Aug 16th 2024
In mid-August 79 years ago, Imperial Japan announced its surrender to the Allied Forces which effectively brought World War II to an end. Two weeks later in early September 1945, President Truman showed off the surrender documents as Peace celebrations broke out across the US.
To commemorate the end of this horrific war which changed the course of history, we're offering all of our World War II items at $10 off for the rest of the month. Use discount code WW2ENDS through 8/31/24.
Original World War II Era LIFE Magazines These issues of LIFE Magazine include some of the most dramatic coverage of the war, including insightful articles and piercing photos. They are primary sources chronicling the trying times of that era. Availability is limited and stocks are dwindling, so anyone who wants to own a true historical document should consider acquiring today.
World War Two Major Events Newspaper Set A unique set of historic newspaper reprints from key moments in World War Two. Four separate papers with a total of 62 pages of dramatic coverage. It's the war in a nutshell.